James Swanson Bio

James Swanson

"I never planned to dive in and become a painter of dogs, it kind of just happened.  I was already a Signature Artist with The National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society before I started painting man's best friend."

"I started painting dogs as a tribute.  Our family dog, Atticus, suddenly passed away and I was feeling very sad about it.  He was my boy, and I wanted to show the enjoyment that he brought me.  So I painted a portrait of him doing his favorite thing - swimming.  I found out how a dog and water can be combined for an interesting painting.  It' so complex and beautiful at the same time.  Reflections, lights, darks, shadows, and translucency; all built around a moving, happy element.  It was exciting to paint something that he meaning to me on so many levels.  It took on a life of its own."

"I have two dogs now; Bjorn and Fenrir.  Bjorn is an English Cream Golden, and Fenrir is an American Golden.  Bjorn is my poser dog.  When we go out to play and photograph, he's the one who has this look about him that just stops you.  He's a bit of a prima donna, and the photo shoots are over pretty quickly.  I'm lucky if I can get a few good photos of him to work with, but when I do, they are electric, and I can't wait to get working.  Now Fenrir is my athlete.  He will go out and play ball all day long in the water.  He's a jumper, fast swimmer, and will keep going and going.  I get all kinds of fun action shots with him."

The paintings of my boys, Bjorn and Fenrir, have won Best of Show and many major awards in some of the toughest juried painting competitions in the world.  I enjoy sharing my painting knowledge and teach painting workshops worldwide.  As a painter of dogs, I do still love painting landscapes and doing some plein air; but there is just something about painting my boys that makes everything click.  And the best thing is they work for kibble."

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